The perfect gateway for younger drivers
8+ years-old
28 mm
Launched in 2019 to enter – with an ex novo project – the first CIK-FIA homologation dedicated to the MINI class, the Monster chassis is characterized by the specific development that has distinguished it from all others. Being the entry model to the world of racing for younger drivers, it is designed to meet their needs, both in terms of performance and driving comfort. Inspired by the Junior and Senior versions of the S55M and S197M models, the Monster shares with its “big brothers” the same quality of components as well as the technical contributions brought by TBKART Racing Team in the development stages of the project. Furthermore, the 950 mm wheelbase makes it particularly agile, responsive and suitable for all variants in the MINI categories. The Monster has followed the performance evolution recorded over the years by the MINI category itself, proving to be the perfect kart to take younger drivers from their first steps on the track to their very first victory.
Ideal for categories: MINI (CIK-FIA, National championships, ROK, IAME, Rotax…)
The perfect gateway for younger drivers
Launched in 2019 to enter – with an ex novo project – the first CIK-FIA homologation dedicated to the MINI class, the Monster chassis is characterized by the specific development that has distinguished it from all others. Being the entry model to the world of racing for younger drivers, it is designed to meet their needs, both in terms of performance and driving comfort. Inspired by the Junior and Senior versions of the S55M and S197M models, the Monster shares with its “big brothers” the same quality of components as well as the technical contributions brought by TBKART Racing Team in the development stages of the project. Furthermore, the 950 mm wheelbase makes it particularly agile, responsive and suitable for all variants in the MINI categories. The Monster has followed the performance evolution recorded over the years by the MINI category itself, proving to be the perfect kart to take younger drivers from their first steps on the track to their very first victory.
Ideal for categories: MINI (CIK-FIA, National championships, ROK, IAME, Rotax…)
In a category which, on some tracks, records speeds exceeding 100 km/h, the Monster stands out for a braking system calibrated for the power involved and which is based on the same manufacturing concepts of the “upper level” models’ braking systems:
Attention to detail with accessories is at the basis of a refined product. Precisely for this reason, TBKART pays special attention to aesthetics while identifying, through continuous research, the technical solutions useful for extrapolating the maximum potential from the chassis.
Developed directly by TBKART, the set-back pedal board allows drivers of all sizes to have a tailor-made driver’s seat, with exact measurements, in just a few simple steps.
In a category which, on some tracks, records speeds exceeding 100 km/h, the Monster stands out for a braking system calibrated for the power involved and which is based on the same manufacturing concepts of the “upper level” models’ braking systems:
Attention to detail with accessories is at the basis of a refined product. Precisely for this reason, TBKART pays special attention to aesthetics while identifying, through continuous research, the technical solutions useful for extrapolating the maximum potential from the chassis.
Developed directly by TBKART, the set-back pedal board allows drivers of all sizes to have a tailor-made driver’s seat, with exact measurements, in just a few simple steps.
MONSTER, the dream takes shape
A chassis that accompanies young drivers at the beginning of their karting experience, plus the technical support that TBKART’s extensive sales network is able to provide them.
A chassis that accompanies young drivers at the beginning of their karting experience, plus the technical support that TBKART’s extensive sales network is able to provide them.
“It represents the base of the pyramid of racing-type karting. For this reason, our racing department has developed a very versatile ad hoc project, providing maximum support both for younger drivers and those who assist them”.
“My son has literally ‘grown up’ with the TBKART Monster and I am proud of the progresses he has made driving, using this chassis, which proved to be perfect for complementing him in his sporting journey”.
“Besides being a competitive product, the Monster model is easily able to adapt to the needs of children taking their very first steps into karting. The available adjustments offer plenty of leeway”.
“It represents the base of the pyramid of racing-type karting. For this reason, our racing department has developed a very versatile ad hoc project, providing maximum support both for younger drivers and those who assist them”.
“My son has literally ‘grown up’ with the TBKART Monster and I am proud of the progresses he has made driving, using this chassis, which proved to be perfect for complementing him in his sporting journey”.
“Besides being a competitive product, the Monster model is easily able to adapt to the needs of children taking their very first steps into karting. The available adjustments offer plenty of leeway”.
Total dedication to a single very important passion, accompanied by professionalism and expertise.
From idea to design, in one internal process.
Continuous research to always offer innovative products.
Complete in-house production, with attention to every detail.
The certainty of products developed by the official Racing Team.
Comprehensive after-sales service: an unbreakable bond.
Availability and support through an extensive sales network.
Total dedication to a single very important passion, accompanied by professionalism and expertise.
From idea to design, in one internal process.
Continuous research to always offer innovative products.
Complete in-house production, with attention to every detail.
The certainty of products developed by the official Racing Team.
Comprehensive after-sales service: an unbreakable bond.
Availability and support through an extensive sales network.
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